Our mission

Anticipate the future

The context in which we live in, is what brought us together. AcrossEU recognises that many of the most pressing problems and complex scenarios require a collective approach far beyond the capacity of any single institution. Collaborating closely, we intend to enhance our innovative capacities and adaptability, turning individual strengths into a strong, purpose-driven collective. Through pooling our resources and expertise, we leverage our collective strengths and enhance our competitiveness in securing funding and resources. And by sharing best practices, we create a ripple effect, strengthening our consortium and cultivating a resilient, dynamic, interconnected academic community.

Our collective mission extends beyond merely reacting to the changes around us; it involves developing the ability to foresee transitions and establish resilience in the face of an uncertain future. Our objective is to jointly elevate our universities’ capacities as forward-thinking entities capable of anticipating changes within our communities and further afield. We are committed to preparing for a future defined by its unpredictability and the likelihood of unforeseen events. We want to establish AcrossEU as a leading consortium that anticipates future educational and research trends and sets new standards in innovative teaching and learning, transdisciplinary research, and societal impact. We aim to see tangible improvements in student engagement, research output, and international collaboration thanks to our joint endeavours.

Our commitment to these collective efforts is already in full swing, as demonstrated by a successful AcrossEU student forum held in Rovaniemi in 2023, where student representatives from our universities collaboratively crafted the role of student involvement in AcrossEU’s governance and brainstormed sustainable internationalisation practices. In a similar fashion, a group of AI researchers met the same year in Pardubice to discuss future research engagements. Staff across various departments have also met and been engaged in laying the groundwork for future joint initiatives. These early joint activities are examples of our commitment, yielding innovative ideas and strategies that benefit from our diverse cultural backgrounds.

Embracing a mindset akin to a unified university with distributed campuses, we are poised to transform challenges into opportunities for growth, innovation, and resilience. As AcrossEU, we are not merely anticipating the future; we are actively shaping it. Our consortium transcends mutual support, strategically navigating and influencing the higher education and research landscape to forge a future of collective achievement and impact.