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Rectors’ Meeting in Brussels

  • Post last modified:18 July 2024
  • Post category: News

So as to strengthen the AcrossEU collaborative project, a Rectors’ meeting has been organized in Brussels on March 9, 2023, at the Normandy Regional office, with two main objectives: meet representatives of the European Commission (DG Education & Culture, Unit “Higher Education” and DG Research & Innovation “ERA governance and implementation”), of EU organizations (EUA-European University association with a Director from Policy Coordination & Foresight unit) and of ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network working group “Science & Education for Society).

Exchange times had also been scheduled to meet with the representatives of the various Regional Brussels’ Offices related to the Consortium geographic implantation: East & North Finland EU Office, North Sweden EU Office, Castilla y Leon UE office, Toscana EU liaison office, Tour4EU and Swisscore. As the AcrossEU project is very tied to the social and economic environment of the member institutions, it is essential to reach outside the sole scope of academic cooperation and develop strong ties with local and regional stakeholders.