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Partner meeting in Finland

  • Post last modified:18 July 2024
  • Post category: News

The last partner meeting before submitting the AcrossEU proposal to the European Commission (deadline 31 january 2023) took place in Rovaniemi, Finland, on January 7-10, 2023.

The 8 countries part of the project were represented. The working group was very keen to exchange “face to face” to bring the final improvements to the proposal to maximize the chances of success.

The discussions focused on the following topics:

  • review of the text of the whole proposal together with the different work packages,
  • budget for the 4 years of the project,
  • governance of the project,
  • global planning of all upcoming events/meetings/activities of the project.

Thanks to the recent financial support of the Normandy Region, a program for kick-off activities that will take place in 2023 was also presented. It will include interesting opportunities for students, faculty and staff to take part in cooperative projects and mobilities (scientific meetings, summer schools, etc).

A meeting of the Rectors/Presidents of the AcrossEU universities should be scheduled early March 2023 in Brussels. This meeting would give the opportunity for the Consortium leaders to exchange on the global strategy of the project and its importance for all the institutions involved. Invitations will be extended to regional council representatives in Brussels, along with the MEPs and members of the Committee of Regions.